
Thursday, 7th March, 2024

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Passage from Today’s Church Readings:

“But Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he said to them, Any country that divides itself into groups which fight each other will not last very long; a family divided against itself falls apart.

So if Satan’s kingdom has groups fighting each other, how can it last? You say that I drive out demons because Beelzebul gives me the power to do so.

If this is how I drive them out, how do your followers drive them out? Your own followers prove that you are wrong!”(Luke 14: 17-19)


Arguably the devil, and those who shop in its inventory cannot revolt in the cult of their common purpose. The message of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the  above reading transcends the limit of rational relationship; it captures the fold of strength that keeps bond framed as a form of initiation.

The implications exist and abound in the various characterizations and devilish manipulations driving innumerable quests for wealth and fame in our society today.

Those who appropriate fame or wealth from the cove of the devil, or engage in heinous activities may be signing and mortgaging their destiny. And why do we forget that God owns everything, including tomorrow?

To confront the devil requires the armour of truth, It requires the power and grace of God, it must also meet sacrifice that  strengthens confidence in God.


Prayer is the first line of communication with God, it must be kept open all the time. Every day the devil is looking for human pawns  to anchor its abominable footing inimical to survival of human soul. We need to go to God in prayer for protection; we need to agree and say, “come, let us bow down and worship him; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!”(Psalm 95:6). It is in doing that we gain protection. May God hear our prayers.


In thanksgiving we praise God, we adore and honour Him. As God guides us by protecting us in avoiding the snare of evil people, we say, “come, let us praise the LORD! Let us sing for joy to God, who protects us! Let us come before him with thanksgiving and sing joyful songs of praise.”(Psalm 95: 1-2). Let’s continue to thank God.

Julius O. Dike

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